Scurt Istoric

04.11.'11 | Aplicare Propunere
19.06.'12 | Obtinere Finantare
01.09.'12 | Start Proiect
12.12.'12 | Depunere Etapa I
30.11.'13 | Depunere Etapa a II-a
12.12.'14 | Depunere Etapa a III-a
04.12.'15 | Depunere Etapa a IV-a
05.12.'16 | Depunere Etapa a V-a. Inchidere Proiect


Fiecare etapa de lucru se va incheia prin predarea la UEFISCDI a unui set de documente care vor fi incarcate pe aceasta pagina in scopul diseminarii lor. Desemenea, se vor incarca si materialele prezentate la seminarii, conferinte si manifestari stiintifice la care participa partenerii.

Documente specifice proiectului

Etapa I:
- Raport Stiintific si Tehnic
- Bibliografie
Etapa a II-a:
- Raport Stiintific si Tehnic
Etapa a III-a:
- Raport Stiintific si Tehnic
Etapa a IV-a:
- Raport Stiintific si Tehnic
Etapa a V-a:
- Raport Stiintific si Tehnic
Inchidere Proiect:
- Raport Final Stiintific si Tehnic

Conferinte, seminarii, manifestari stiintifice, lucrari publicate

Etapa I:
1. Al 35-lea Congres National Anual de Medicina Fizica si de Recuperare cu participare internationala - 24-27.10.2012, Poiana Brasov, Romania

Etapa a II-a:
1. P.L. Seiciu, Active Walking Mechatronic System for NeuroRehabilitation - The 9th International Conference on Applied and Theoretical Mechanics (MECHANICS '13), Mathematical Applications in Science and Mechanics - 25-27.06.2013, Dubrovnik, Croatia, pp.225-230.
2. Seiciu P. L., Robotics vs. Mechatronic in Human Locomotor Recovery , March 25 - 29 2013, pp. 419-421, 2013, The 2nd International Virtual Conference 2013, ICTIC 2013, Slovakia, ISBN: 978-80-554-0648-0,ISSN: 1339-231X, 2013
3. The 8th edition of the International Conference on Optimization of the Smart Systems and their Application in Aerospace, Robotics, Mechanical Engineering, Manufacturing Systems, Biomechanics and Neurorheabilitation - OPTIROB 2013 - 26-29.06.2013, Mangalia, Romania
4. The 4th edition of the International Conference on Aerospace, Robotics, Mechanical Engineering, Manufacturing Systems,Biomechanics, Neurorehabilitation and Human motricities "Smart systems in all fields of the life" - ICMERA 2013 - 23-26.10.2013, Bucuresti, Romania
5. Al 36-lea Congres National Annual de Reabilitare Medicala - 29.10-02.11.2013, Poiana Brasov, Romania

Etapa a III-a:
1. L. Dumitru, A. Iliescu, C. Dumitru, R. Badea, S. Savulescu, H. Dinu, M. Berteanu, Physiological considerations on Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation (NMES) in muscular strength training, Palestrica of the third millenium - Civilization and Sport, Vol. 15, no. 2, April-June 2014, 134-139 (IDB article full text)
2. A. Iliescu, I. Ciobanu, R. Badea, L. Dumitru, A. Marin, H. Dinu, M. Berteanu, Assessing the Relationship between Joint Damage and Gait Impairment in Children with Haemophilic Arthropathy. A Clinical Study, Applied Mechanics and Materials Vol. 656 (2014) pp 634-641 (ISI Proceedings fulltext)
3. P. L. Seiciu, I. Ciobanu, A. Iliescu, R. I. Badea, A. G. Marin, M. Berteanu, Rationale for designing a new system for gait rehabilitation, Applied Mechanics and Materials Vol. 555 (2014) pp 681-688 - (ISI Proceedings fulltext)
4. M.I. Baritz, D. Cotoros, I. Ciobanu, R. Muntean, Forces distribution analysis developed in the plantar surface in simulation case of controlled blocking of joints, Applied Mechanics and Materials Vol. 656 (2014) pp 642-649 (ISI Proceedings fulltext)
5. P. Takac, J. Petrovicova, K. Stibrant Sunnerhagen, V. Neumann, A. Vetra, M. Berteanu, N. Christodoulou, Position paper on PRM and persons with long term disabilities, Eur J Phys Rehabil Med 2014;50:453-64 (ISI Proceedings fulltext)
6. A. Giustini, E. Varela, M. Franceschini, J. Votava, M. Zampolini, M. Berteanu, N. Christodoulou, UEMS - Position Paper. New Technologies designed to improve functioning: the role of the physical and rehabilitation medicine physician, Eur J Phys Rehabil Med 2014; 50:579-83 (ISI Proceedings fulltext)
7. P. L. Seiciu, Rheologic Hysteresis Parameters Analysis of the EHD Traction, BALKANTRIB'14, 8th International Conference on Tribology, 30thOct.-1stNov.2014, Sinaia, Romania pp 154-159 (ISI Proceedings fulltext)
8. V. G. Marian, T. Laurian, R. F. Mirica, A. Pascu, P. L. Seiciu, Theoretical and Experimental Analysis of Friction Forces Acting on a Flywheel Energy Storage System Rotating in Air, BALKANTRIB'14, 8th International Conference on Tribology, 30thOct.-1stNov.2014, Sinaia, Romania pp 755-760 (ISI Proceedings fulltext)
9. S. Savulescu, L. Dumitru, H. Dinu, R. Badea, A. M. Ilie, A. Iliescu, L. Grozoiu, A. Ionescu, N. Cojan Carlea, C. Cojocaru, A. Marin, A. Carlea, I. Ciobanu, M. Berteanu, Case Report - Early reinnervation and pain decrease after peripheral repetitive magnetic stimulation in a young patient with residual pain after herniated disc surgery, Al 37-lea Congres National de Reabilitare Medicala, Sibiu, 24-27 septembrie 2014 (poster)
10. L. Grozoiu, R. Badea, A. Marin, I. Ciobanu, S. Savulescu, N. Cojan Carlea, C. Cojocaru, A. Carlea, M. Berteanu, Can spasticiy after stroke be reduced using repetitive transcranial or peripheral magnetic stimulation?, Al 37-lea Congres National de Reabilitare Medicala, Sibiu, 24-27 septembrie 2014 (poster)
11. A. Marin, L. Grozoiu, R. Badea, L. Dumitru, I. Ciobanu, H. Dinu, S. Savulescu, M. Berteanu, Cognitive optimization - essential element of neurological rehabilitation, Al 37-lea Congres National de Reabilitare Medicala, Sibiu, 24-27 septembrie 2014 (poster)
12. I. Ciobanu, L. Grozoiu, A. Marin, R. Badea, L. Dumitru, H. Dinu, Mihai Berteanu, Technology for rehabilitation - acceptance and usability, Al 37-lea Congres National de Reabilitare Medicala, Sibiu, 24-27 septembrie 2014 (poster)
13. HUMANOIDS 2014 - IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots, The Mechatronic Design of Humanoid Robots: Current and Future Trends, 18-20.11.2014, Madrid, Spain

Etapa a IV-a:
1. Marin A. G., Seiciu P.L., Popescu A. M., Bighea A., Berteanu M., Technology for Post-Stroke Cognitive Rehabilitation, Int. J. Pharm. Med. Biol. Sci., Vol. 4, No. 2, April 2015, pp. 146-150, 2015. Indexed ProQuest. EMBASE.
2. Kaleshtari M. H., Ciobanu I, Seiciu P. L., Marin A. G., Berteanu M., Towards a Model of Rehabilitation Technology Acceptance and Usability, Int. J. Social Science and Humanity, Vol. 6, No. 8, August 2016, ISSN: 2010-3646, pp. 612-616, 2016. Indexed ProQuest. CrossRef. Index Copernicus.
3. Seiciu P. L., Popescu A. M., Ileana Ciobanu, Iliescu A. N., Berteanu M., Hip Vertical Movement Mechatronic System for Gait Rehabilitation, Proc. of The Rom. Acad., Series A, Vol. , Nr. (to be published), ISI Thomson-Reuters quoted Impact Factor: 1.658, Science Citation Index Expanded (SciSearch®), SSCI, AHCI, (UEFISCDI).
4. Seiciu P. L., Popescu A. M., Ciobanu I., Marin A. G., Badea R. I., Iliescu A., Berteanu M., Mechatronic System for Environment-Assisted Gait Rehabilitation, Rehab Week 2015, Valencia, Spain, June 09-12, (poster), 2015.
5. Cojan-Carlea N. A., Badea R. I., Iliescu A. N., Ciobanu I., Berteanu M., Instrumented Gait Analysis for Assessing the Efficiency of a Complex Rehabilitation Program in Patients with Stroke - a Case Study, Proc. of ICMERA 2015, ISBN 1662-7482, 10.4028/ 55.681, Applied Mechanics and Materials Vol. 811, ISBN-13: 978-3-03835-662-2, 2015. Indexed ISI Web of Science
6. Popescu A. M., Paduraru G. I., Tudor A., Seiciu P. L., Consideration Regarding The Stress And Strain Status In Elastic-Plastic Contact Between A Sphere And A Layer Of Uhmwpe Polyethylene, 11th International Conference on Tribology, BULTRIB '15, 11-13 September, 2015, Sozopol, Bulgaria, ISSN: 1313-9878, pp. 48-57, 2015.
7. Popescu A. M., Paduraru G. I., Tudor A., Cananau S., Seiciu P. L., UHMWPE Behaviour in Rolling with Application at Total Knee Prosthesis, 11th International Conference on Tribology, BULTRIB '15, 11-13 September, 2015, Sozopol, Bulgaria, ISSN: 1313-9878, pp. 58-61, 2015.
8. Ciobanu I., Kaleshtari M. H., Marin A. G., Dumitru L. V., Pascu, I. M., Berteanu M., Ultraviolet Therapy for Wound Healing - A Case Study, Al 38-lea Congres National Anual de Reabilitare Medicala (cu participare internationala), ISBN 978-973-106-253-2, pp. 50, (poster), 2015.
9. Marin A., Ciobanu I., Dinu H., Berteanu M., Post Stroke Cognitive Stimulation Therapy - A Case Study, Al 38-lea Congres National Anual de Reabilitare Medicala (cu participare internationala), ISBN 978-973-106-253-2, pp. 68, (poster), 2015.
10. Grozoiu L., Savulescu S., Hesse S, Bighea A., Berteanu M., Repetitive Peripheral Magnetic Stimulation in Stroke Rehabilitation A Case Study, International Journal of Social Science and Humanity, Vol. 6, No. 8, August 2016, pp. 608-611, 2016. Index ProQuest. CrossRef. Index Copernicus.
11. International Conference on Recent Advances in Neurorehabilitation (ICRAN 2015), 10-11 July 2015, Valencia, Spain.
12. International Neurorehabilitation Symposium (INRS 2015), 11-12 July, Valencia, Spain
13. ICMERA 2015 - International Conference on Smart Systems in the Fields of the Life Aerospace, Robotics, Mechanical Engineering, October 29-31, 2015, Bucharest, Romania.
14. OPTIROB 2015 - International Conference on Aerospace, Robotics, Mechanical Engineering, Manufacturing Systems, Neurorehabilitation and Human Motricities, 25-28 June 2015, Neptun, Romania.
15. Al VII-lea Congres National de Geriatrie si Gerontologie cu Participare Internationala "Geriatria si Gerontologia in Context European", 29 oct.-1 nov. 2015, Institutul National de Gerontologie si Geriatrie "Ana Aslan" Bucuresti, Sediul Otopeni.
16. "Human Behavior Research Technology", 15 september 2015, S.U.U.Elias Bucharest.
17. "Maintaining Patient Challenge Across the Gait Rehabilitation Continuu with Robot-Assisted Therapy", Workshop, Rehabweek, July 10, 2015, Valencia, Spain.
18. "Knowledge Translation for Gait Technologies", Workshop, July 10, 2015, Valencia, Spain.

Etapa a V-a:
1. Participarea la Tārgul International de Inventica 10th International Warsaw Invention Show, IWIS 2016 cu brevetul A00852/2014: Mechatronic System for Vertical Alternative Swinging of the Pelvic Girdle. Autori: Seiciu P.L., Filipoiu I.D., Berteanu M., Ciobanu I., Serbu H., Manole I., Badea F., Barbu V., Ionel M., Manolache S.M. Brevetul, generat de proiectul RELIVE, a fost premiat cu Medalia de Aur.
2. Seiciu P.L., Popescu A.M., Ciobanu I., Iliescu A.N., Berteanu M., Hip Vertical Movement Mechatronic System for Gait Rehabilitation, Proc. of The Romanian Academy, Series A, Volume 17, Number 3/2016, pp. 253-258, ISSN 1454-9069, cotata ISI Thomson-Reuters, IF=1,658
3. Khaleshtari M.H., Ciobanu I., Seiciu P.L., Marin A.G., Berteanu M.Towards a Model of Rehabilitation Technology Acceptance and Usability , International Journal of Social Science and Humanity, Volume 6, Fascicule 8, Index Copernicus, ProQuest, Google Scholar, ISSN 2010-3646, p. 612-616, 2016
4. Seiciu P.L., Ciobanu I., Mikolajczyk T., Marin A.G., Berteanu M., New Mechatronic System for Gait Rehabilitation - Functional Requirements, Applied Mechanics and Materials, Volume 859, Index Cambridge Scientific Abstracts (CSA), ProQuest, Copernicus Journals Master List, ISSN 1662-7482, p. 231-235, 2017
5. Seiciu P.L., Ciobanu I., Marin A.G., Berteanu M., New Mechatronic System for Gait Rehabilitation - Functional Requirements, International Conference on Cyber Systems in All Fields of the Life Aerospace, Robotics, Mechanical Engineering, Manufacturing Systems, Biomechatronics, Neurorehabilitation and Human Motricities. Advanced Research in Area of Materials, Aerospaces, Robotics and Modern Manufacturing, Bucuresti, 02-05.11.2016
6. Marin A.G., Ciobanu I., Berteanu M., Optimizare Cognitiva Post Accident Vascular Cerebral - protocol. de studiu, Al 39-lea Congres National de Reabilitare Medicala cu participare internationala, Sibiu, 28.09.2016-01.2016.
7. Marin A.G., Ciobanu I., Berteanu M., Tehnologii Avansate de Reabilitarea Mersului - sistematizare, Al 39-lea Congres National de Reabilitare Medicala cu participare internationala, Sibiu, 28.09-01.10.2016.
8. Seiciu P.L., Researches on Robotic and Mechatronic Systems, Lubrification Elements of the Mechanical Transmissions with Application in Mechatronic Systems for Medical Rehabilitation, Politehnica Press, ISBN 978-606-515-691-3, 2016
9. Sustinerea si publicarea Tezei de doctorat Sistem mecatronic complex de reabilitarea mersului la pacientii cu afectiuni neurologice dizabilitante, autor Ileana CIOBANU sub coordonarea Prof. Mihai BERTEANU, septembrie 2016
10. Realizarea unui work-shop pentru lansarea oficiala a sistemului mecatronic RELIVE, octombrie 2016
11. Premierea cu Medalia de Aur, la Targul International de Inventica IWIS 2016, Varsovia - pentru brevetul SISTEM MECATRONIC DE OSCILARE VERTICALA ALTERNATIVA A CENTURII PELVIENE
12. Realizarea unui film de prezentare a RELIVE care poate fi accesat aici.